Philippe Van Leeuw
Philippe Van Leeuw has pursued a career as Director of Photography since 1966. He worked on the following films: La vie de Jésus de Bruno Dumont (1996), Plus qu’hier, moins que demain (1997) Laurent Achard’s Le dernier des fous (2005), Richard Bean’s Franck Spadone (1998), Claire Simon’s Les bureaux de Dieu (2007), Fouad Alaywan’s Asfouri (2011), Mahmoud Hojeij’s Stable, Unstable (2012) and François Gorin and Bruno Vienne’s Le chant des pierres (2013). In 2009, he directed his first feature film, Le jour où Dieu est parti en voyage, produced by Patrick Quinet and Toussaint Tiendrebeogo.