Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter

Iceland | V.O. Icelandic | ST French | 2023 | 5 min | DCP | color | Fiction | Quebec Premiere

At a busy downtown café, a woman zones out during a business meeting. A drifting seagull hits the window. The customers notice the incident but shortly stop paying attention. The woman tries to ignore the event too but is unable to shake it off as she notices the seagull is still alive but greatly suffering. She heads outside to euthanise the bird. Some children watch and yell at her for trying to kill the seagull. She eventually twists the bird's neck and the children move on back to their games. While she buries the bird in a nearby flower bed, her colleagues and the customers stare at her.

Director Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter
Music N/a
Cinematographer Eli Arenson
Screenplay Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter,, Anní Ólafsdóttir
Production NORÐUR
Distribution Salaud Morisset