À l’ouest de Pluton

Henry Bernadet, Myriam Verreault

Canada | V.O. French | 2008 | 105 min | 35 mm | color | Fiction

24 hours in the life of a douzen teenagers living in a suburban neighborhood. Various plots interspersed with humor and drama, organised around a small party which degenrates and the reflections of Pierre-Olivier who tries to reconcile the absurdity and paltryness of daily life with space and infinite immensity. Jerôme tries to find the courage necessary to admit his feelings to the one he loves more than anything, Steve and Nicolas dream of becoming famous, Kim is disappointed with her first sexual experience, Benoît quarrels with his mother, is beaten up in the street and makes an unusual encounter. At the end of the day, each one of them will be changed forever. This film is about the teenager's search for identity and the way each one goes about existing among his peers.

Director Henry Bernadet, Myriam Verreault
Camera Patrick Faucher
Screenplay Myriam Verreault, Henry Bernadet
Cast David Bouchard, Anne-Sophie Tremblay-Lamontagne, Alexis Drolet, Yoann Linteau, Thomas Gionet-Lavigne, Denis Marchand, Sandra Jacques
Distribution FILMS SÉVILLE


Henry Bernadet

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