The Animation Tag Attack

Christen Bach, Mads Juul, Andreas Normand Grdntved, Ned Wenlock, Oren Mashkovski, Maxwell A. Oginni, Ewen Stenhouse, Scott Benson, Wolf Reimers, Mikey Please, Brendan Carroll, Francesco Giroldini

Denmark/Germany/United States/Great Britain | V.O. - Without dialogue | 2012 | 10 min | color | Animation | Canadian Premiere

In a worldwide exquisite corpse made by 12 of the most booming young animators on the scene today - We follow Bear and Duck in a relentless chase for a green bottle and a handful of red pills in a quest to set things right...

Director Christen Bach, Mads Juul, Andreas Normand Grdntved, Ned Wenlock, Oren Mashkovski, Maxwell A. Oginni, Ewen Stenhouse, Scott Benson, Wolf Reimers, Mikey Please, Brendan Carroll, Francesco Giroldini
Production Rock'n'Roll Animation